“Students should do more OIV in a year”

“Students should do more OIV in a year.” Absolutely, because OIV gives us the opportunity to do what we want within the school. There are various activities that encourage our creativity, motor skills, dexterity.
Every year at the Grammar school Jesenice, students choose between a pair of OIVs, some of which are chargeable, such as an excursion or a driving test, but most of them are free and very good. The point of the OIV is to encourage children’s creativity, motor skills, to socialize them more and to learn to work in groups.

Students have a certain number of OIV hours each year that they have to complete, at first it seems like a lot but in fact, everything goes through the fun quickly. OIV classes do not always have to be provided with sports or any of the activities offered at the school, you can also get them if you are already training outside the school or with charity work or with excursions offered that year.

Students need to have more live hours because we live in such a time that we rarely find time to go out with a friend, play a sport or something like that that does not involve technology because it is still easier for us to write with a friend than to go out with him.